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9 Ideas To Announce Pregnancy

9 Ideas To Announce Pregnancy

You waited. You wished. You dreamed. And then, finally, you got some of the best news of your life—that positive pregnancy test that means your family will soon have a new little person to love. What could be more wonderful than that? Sharing that amazing news with the people in your life, of course!

You only get one chance to introduce this little one’s arrival to the world. You want it to feel as special and memorable as when you found out. Creative pregnancy announcements can set the tone for a lifetime of celebration with your nearest and dearest—as well as your farthest-reaching social media networks. Whether you’re planning a special one-on-one reveal or a joyful social post to blow up your feeds, you can find a unique pregnancy announcement out there for every person and every situation. Looking for ideas to announce pregnancy? We’ve laid out our top announcement ideas below.

4 Ways to Announce Pregnancy in Person

For your inner circle—parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends who are like siblings and actual siblings—you may want to announce right away, either in person or, if that’s not possible, over video chat. That means you can personalize the baby announcement idea for the role that person will play in your little one’s life. (World’s Best Grandma mug, anyone?).

1. Say Hi To The New Baby with The Sonogram

When it comes to sharing important news with your friends and family, never underestimate the power of making it personal, and what could be more personal than your baby’s first ultrasound photo?

  • Put it in a card – One creative way for a pregnancy reveal is to put it in a card. On a coffee or brunch outing, give your loved one a card with a snapshot of the new baby tucked inside.

  • Share a screenshot on a video call – If your friends and family connect via FaceTime or Zoom, you can let the sonogram speak for itself. Just be sure to turn your volume down to accommodate for the squeals and shouts of excitement.

  • Say it with cake – If you have an established family event, offer to bring a dessert to announce the pregnancy news. See if you can work with a specialized bakery to print the image onto a sheet cake. Now that’s what we call sweet!

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    2. Give a Themed Gift

    Picture this. You tell your mom you’ve got a surprise for her, and you present her with a gift all wrapped up. She tears away the wrapping paper to find a t-shirt that says “Best Grandma in the World.” She looks at you, her face lighting up as she realizes what this means. Priceless.

    Giving a personalized baby-themed gift is a sweet surprise that shows them your excitement to share this family journey with future grandparents. Plus, it gives them a souvenir to remember the day they got some of the best news of their life.

    Luckily, tons of items are out there designed to celebrate a family member’s role in your child’s life. You can gift:

  • T-shirts
  • Pajamas
  • Mugs
  • Bumper stickers

    3. Pick a Place That’s Special to You

    If you want an even more touching pregnancy announcement, pick a location that’s special to you. Using a setting you love helps tell your unique family story.

    Start by brainstorming a list of your special places. Some might be close, like your favorite spot in your home, your favorite bookstore, or your favorite park. Others might be farther away, like the camping trip you take every summer. Other locations might have special memories, like the place where you met your partner for the first time.

    Once you’ve made your list, narrow it down by considering which ideas would be easy to get to, photogenic, and most meaningful. How cool will it be to show your child this photo when they’re older?

    4. Special Delivery

    Looking for a fun way to announce the pregnancy news? What do pregnancy and pizza have in common? Delivery of course!

    Use toppings to spell out the good news. Make a meal out of this announcement by planning ahead:

    1. First, schedule a relaxed at-home hang out with your family to just catch up and enjoy a slice.

    2. Next, call ahead to a trusted pizza place and ask if they can help with your surprise by spelling out “We’re Pregnant!” on a pizza with toppings. Pepperoni, olives, pineapple chunks, or sliced peppers can all work. Then schedule the delivery (or pick-up) for your get-together.

    3. When the pizza arrives, take a peek to make sure the message didn’t get too jostled from the drive. Adjust as needed.

    4. Invite your family to open up the pizza box and keep your phone cameras ready for reaction shots—they’ll be even more delicious than the pizza.

    5 Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Social Media

    For your broader circle of family and friends, you may want to explore other fun ways to announce pregnancy on social media. Many people turn to social media at some point during their pregnancy to find support and learn helpful information about pregnancy and parenting. One study suggested that among pregnant women who use Facebook, about 70% of them will choose to announce their pregnancy on social media.

    If you’re one of the many parents planning to announce your pregnancy on social media, you’re probably looking for visual ideas that will make for an amazing photo to share with your online community.

    1 . Flashback Photo Op

    Think back to your and your partner’s beginnings—isn’t it amazing how far you’ve come?

    To honor your journey and your next chapter, edit two pictures into one image.

    1. The first photo should be a picture from your early days
    2. The second should be a staged photo recreating that picture

    Caption it with something that implies a big change has happened between photo one and photo two—a growing little one.

    Write a sweet, nostalgic caption like, “Can you spot the difference? Here’s a hint—there’s more to love in pic #2—Baby [Last Name] due in the fall!”

    When you share an intimate part of your story, you invite your whole community to share in your special moment.

    2. Take a “Family” Photo

    For a photoshoot with maximum “Awwww,” try pairing two parent-sized items with a baby-sized item. That could include:

  • Matching family outfits
  • Two normal-sized rubber duckies and one tiny one
  • Two team jerseys and a child’s sized one
  • Two larger instruments and a mini one (like two guitars and a ukulele)
  • Two pairs of sneakers plus a pair of baby shoes
  • If you need inspiration, look to your and your partner’s hobbies. If you love to cook, maybe it’s a photo of two aprons and a bib. If you love basketball, maybe it’s two regular-sized basketballs and a child-size basketball.

    Whatever theme you pick, you’ll melt the hearts of friends and family alike.

    3. Spell It Out With a Unique Sign

    Sometimes, it’s always better to be straightforward with your announcement. To us, that means utilizing fun materials to spell out the arrival of your little one.

    Start by brainstorming different materials you can use.

  • A chalkboard
  • Refrigerator magnets
  • A letterboard
  • A sketchbook
  • Children’s blocks
  • If you’re a little at a loss for what to pick, try to choose a material that’s important to you. For example, if you love to draw, try sketching out your announcement with colored pencils. If you love the beach, try writing out your message in the sand. Or maybe you pick a material purely because you love how it looks, like cupcakes decorated with different letters to spell out your amazing news.

    When it comes time to take the photo, have fun! Try adding pretty props like flowers or baby socks around your sign. Or try having you and your partner pose with the sign.

    4. Let Your Pet Break the Big News

    If you already have a fur baby in the home or if your pet is an important part of your family, let them in on the announcement fun. Pose your pet with a sign, a clothing item, or a caption that tells the world they’ll have a new (two-legged) sibling soon. The signs could say:

  • “Days Left of Only Child Status: 200 days”
  • “Future Big Brother/Sister”
  • “I Was Here First!”

  • 5. Treat Yourself to the Hospital Cuddle Box Mini from Monica + Andy

    If you want something that can work as adorable photo props and something to pack in your hospital bag when baby comes, treat yourself to our Hospital Cuddle Box Mini.

    The Cuddle Box Mini includes a curated selection of the organic (and stylish) essentials:

  • 1 x Top Knot Cap
  • 1 x Coming Home Blanket

  • Like all Monica + Andy baby clothes, each of these items is made with soft, safe fabric. We use earth-friendly, GOTS-certified organic cotton, making it perfect for your baby’s delicate skin. We even offer customized pregnancy announcement boxes—just reach out to storks@monicaandandy.com and we can help make something special for your big news.

    Announce Your New Little Love with Monica + Andy

    Whether you’re whipping up a sonogram surprise or a photo op with a few pairs of adorable shoes, this moment is a precious one. Whatever idea you choose, be sure to savor every second with your loved ones.

    After the good news is shared, we’ll be here for everything else on your baby list. So if you are searching for baby gender reveal ideas or need some assistance with brainstorming your baby’s first birthday ideas, we’ve got you covered. As a team of 80% moms, we’ve been where you are and can help guide you to everything your little one will need, from sleep sacksbaby pajamas, and swaddle blankets to booties and organic burp cloths.

    From announcement to arrival (and every step beyond), Monica + Andy will be cheering you on as you and your family begin this incredible chapter.


    1. HealthyChildren.org. How to Prepare Your Older Children for a New Baby. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/prenatal/Pages/Preparing-Your-Family-for-a-New-Baby.aspx
    2. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Pregnant Women Sharing Pregnancy-Related Information on Facebook: Web-Based Survey Study. https://www.jmir.org/2018/3/e115/

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