Posts tagged: Mom's health
Female Founders We Love: Krista Maas De Villiers
We sat down with the owner and founder behind Nunona, Krista Maas De Villiers, to learn a little bit more about her company. -
Happy Pregnancy Foods
We had one of our favorite Health and Nutrition coaches, Karina Heinrich, join us for our Summer Baby Shower Event. Why? Because she helped to create a menu full of what she calls, “Happy Foods” for pregnancy! Karina shared her favorite mood-boosting foods that are proven to help reduce anxiety and increase calm, brain health and our overall moods - especially during the hormonal ups and downs of pregnancy and post-pregnancy. These are important and easy foods that have great sources of vitamin D, folate, B-12 and fiber. These nutrient-dense... -
Pregnancy & COVID-19: Here’s the Latest you Need to Know
Pregnancy comes with a lot of unknowns, especially if you’re expecting in the middle of a pandemic. Read on for her stellar advice on whether or not to get the COVID-19 vaccine, how to get ahead of postpartum isolation, and the products that will save you from unnecessary hospital visits. -
Expecting? Here’s what you need to know as it relates to COVID-19
Expecting or have a newborn at home? You’re not alone. Thousands of expecting and new parents throughout the country are figuring out how to navigate a new world with the presence of COVID-19 in it. And, we all have a lot of questions. We sat down with New York City-based OB-GYN, Dr. Jaqueline Worth, author of The New Rules of Pregnancy and Jada Shapiro, founder of boober and Birth Day Presence to discuss how our lives have changed in the wake of COVID-19 and what to expect if you’re pregnant... -
COVID-19: Updates for Expecting Parents
As we continue to learn more about Coronavirus each day, we’ll keep our community of expecting parents updated with the latest pregnancy and delivery related news. Check back here regularly to discover up-to-date answers to your most pressing questions. Updates and news provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization and NYC-based Dr. Jaqueline Worth, OBGYN and co-author of The New Rules of Pregnancy.Plus, Dr. Worth is on hand to answer your questions LIVE. Review the M+A Classes + Events Calendar for details on how to tune... -
Dr. Payal Adhikari On Delivery Rooms, Takeout Food & More Coronavirus Concerns
Chicago-based pediatrician and mom Dr. Payal Adhikari (@mommypmd) addresses more of your coronavirus (COVID-19) questions and concerns. Below she addresses questions on multiple topics, from pregnancy and deliveries to ordering takeout.As things continue to evolve daily, Dr. Payal’s favorite websites for accurate information are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Read on to discover her helpful tips and be sure to tune into Monica + Andy’s Instagram live story every Monday and Thursday at 12on... -
Dr. Payal Adhikari On Family Visits, Prenatal Appointments & More Coronavirus Concerns
Chicago-based pediatrician and mom Dr. Payal Adhikari addresses more of your coronavirus (COVID-19) questions and concerns. One of her biggest pieces of advice is keeping in mind how important it is to sacrifice things like family visits and unnecessary socializing now to benefit everyone in the long run. As things continue to evolve daily, Dr. Payal’s favorite websites for accurate information are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Read on to discover her helpful tips... -
Is This the Best Investment You Can Make After Baby?
Postpartum doulas—caregivers trained to ‘mother the mother’ after birth— are becoming a popular solution to those frenzied first few weeks with a newborn. Wondering if they’re worth the investment? Read on. Postpartum traditions around the globe tend to be remarkably more mom-friendly than they are in the US—new moms in Latin American culture, for example, spend the first 40 days after birth healing and resting while her female family members feed and bathe her, clean the house, and take care of the child. In the US, moms often feel the... -
Java Enthusiasts—You May Actually Love Mushroom Coffee
Moms and coffee are a pretty perfect pair (cue the “may your coffee be stronger than your toddler” memes)—especially because java contains chemical compounds that research suggests can lower your risk of certain diseases. But there’s a buzzy (literally), supercharged version of coffee called mushroom coffee (stick with us here) that’s supposed to boost your focus and energy, thanks to the inclusion of nontoxic healing herbs called adaptogens. Foods like ginseng, rhodiola rosea (golden root) and certain mushrooms all fall under the adaptogen umbrella, and fans believe they boost your... -
Your Body After Delivery: 7 Changes That Are Totally Normal
There's denying that pregnancy is a whirlwind—but postpartum recovery can throw you for just as big of a loop. And while there are apps and frequent doctors appointments to help you through all the body changes that happen during pregnancy, transitioning into your post-baby body can be full of surprises—and a few weird symptoms. While you should always, always check in with your doc if you've got questions, here's a peek at what a number of women experience in the first few weeks after heading home from the hospital. Feeling...