Posts tagged: In Real Life

  • Want a Flexible Work Schedule? Here's How 5 Moms Landed One

    Want a Flexible Work Schedule? Here's How 5 Moms Landed One
    “I tell women that whole ‘you can have it all’ — mmm, nope. Not at the same time — that’s a lie. It’s not always enough to lean in, because that s--- doesn’t work.” Michelle Obama’s super candid take on the work/life struggle during her recent book tour resonated deep with employed mamas across the country—perfect balance is, womp womp, a pipe dream. But as more and more high-achieving women search for mom/job harmony, flexible work schedules seem to be a step in the right direction. Whether it’s the option...

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  • The Delivery Room Dish: 'I loved my home water birth.'

    The Delivery Room Dish: 'I loved my home water birth.'
    Welcome to The Delivery Room Dish—a place for new moms to spill on the highs, lows, and nitty gritty of giving birth. What you'll learn: there's no one 'right' way to have a baby, the delivery room is full of choices (even when labor doesn't go as planned), and every mom's got a birth story worth sharing. Up next: Kate Levinson, Founder of Levinson Locations in Chicago, who gave birth to her daughter Minette in January. I realized labor was starting when: The bed felt wet about midnight. I was...

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  • To All the Mamas with Colicky Babies…

    To All the Mamas with Colicky Babies…
    Read about what our blog editor—and other mamas who've struggled with colicky babies—wish they would have known at the time. It was our second week home from the hospital when it started—the incessant, purple-faced, sweaty wails coming from our newborn. He’d switch off between sleeping and fussing (like all new babies) during the day, but once 5 p.m. hit, he let it rip at the top of his lungs straight through midnight before finally passing out from exhaustion. This happened every. single. night.Colic nearly broke me—and if you’ve had a...

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  • The Delivery Room Dish: Danielle Moss and Margot

    The Delivery Room Dish: Danielle Moss and Margot
    Welcome to The Delivery Room Dish—a place for new moms to spill on the highs, lows, and nitty gritty of giving birth. What you'll learn: there's no one 'right' way to have a baby, the delivery room is full of choices (even when labor doesn't go as planned), and every mom's got a birth story worth sharing. Up next: The Everygirl and The Everymom co-founder Danielle Moss, who gave birth to her daughter Margot in July.I realized labor was starting when: I was actually induced on my due date, so...

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  • Secrets From a Labor and Delivery Nurse: How I Juggle My Triplets

    Secrets From a Labor and Delivery Nurse: How I Juggle My Triplets
    (Above: triplets Jerrika, Janessa and Hezekiah) A surprise pregnancy with triplets will knock just about any mama off her feet, but it's an even bigger shock when you've already got seven other kiddos. Yup, we buried the lede—labor and delivery nurse Ashley Nieuwsma, 34, from Kansas City, MO, is a mom of ten, ranging from 4 months (the triplets!) to 14-years-old. She and her husband have no family nearby, no nannies, and yet—she's got this. (If you're out there drowning with just one babe, she also gets it: 'I always...

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  • 10 Honest Truths About Being a New Mom

    10 Honest Truths About Being a New Mom
    Any mom will tell you—even if you read all the baby books and take all the classes, the journey through new parenthood is an on-the-fly, messy, trial and error experience. And the best info doesn't usually come through google—it comes from your mom friends. Which is why we asked ours—what do you wish you had known before leaving the hospital for the first time? (We could have written a book—but picked our ten favorite real-talk tips to start.) If you are a seasoned mama, let us know what you'd add!...

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  • The Delivery Room Dish: 'We were shocked the baby came a month early'

    The Delivery Room Dish:  'We were shocked the baby came a month early'
    Welcome to The Delivery Room Dish—a place for new moms to spill on the highs, lows, and nitty gritty of giving birth. What you'll learn: there's no one 'right' way to have a baby, the delivery room is full of choices (even when labor doesn't go as planned), and every mom's got a birth story worth sharing. Up next: Monica + Andy's Director of Brand Strategy and Digital Content Jessie Mash, who gave birth to her daughter Maxine in November.The first sign of labor was: contractions I thought were Braxton...

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  • What Research Says About Kids of Working Moms

    What Research Says About Kids of Working Moms
    Whether you’re sniffling through the final days of maternity leave, or feeling a swell of anxiety as a family-filled holiday break comes to an end, the guilt working moms feel is all too real. Despite the fact that 70 percent of moms with kids at home work, most of those mamas worry at some point: Will my kids be ok? Is my job hurting them? (Spoiler: yes—and no!) Here’s the good news for all moms and families: research shows babies and kids of moms who work wind up just as...

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  • What’s the Difference Between Breastmilk and Formula?

    What’s the Difference Between Breastmilk and Formula?
    It's one of the first big decisions you'll make as a new mom: help that baby to latch, or pop open a tiny formula bottle? (For some women, there is no choice— their body or baby makes the decision.) But how exactly does nature's milk differ from the store-bought stuff, and what does it mean for you and your little? We spoke with family physician Rallie McAllister, MD, MPH, coauthor of The Mommy MD Guide to Your Baby’s First Year (and a mom of three who fed her babies a...

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  • How to Survive the Party Circuit With Your Little

    How to Survive the Party Circuit With Your Little
    Between disrupted nap schedules, back-to-back family parties, long car rides, and too-close hugs from relatives, the holidays can leave your little out of sorts—and you over it. Want to maintain your sanity and the health of your babe? Take note of these party hopping tips for new moms.Fight Germs By Keeping Baby in a Carrier Introducing your newborn to a bunch of relatives? Odds are all 40 of them will want a cuddle before the night’s over. If you’re worried about germs, wear your little in a carrier against your...

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