Posts tagged: Newborns

  • What You Need to Know About Keeping a Relationship Strong After Baby

    What You Need to Know About Keeping a Relationship Strong After Baby
    Bringing a new baby home is bound to challenge even the steadiest of relationships—especially if the two of you are first-time parents. With an endless list of to-dos, sleepless nights, and compromises to be made, you and your partner may start to feel more like coworkers and less like a couple. But hang on—that crazy newborn transition time is temporary. You and your significant other can find your way back to a healthy, happy place, and odds are you’ll find that facing parenthood together makes you an even stronger unit...

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  • 8 Rules to Follow When Visiting a Newborn Baby

    8 Rules to Follow When Visiting a Newborn Baby
    You already know to wash your hands, but there's plenty more to keep in mind when visiting a friend of family member's sweet new addition. (And it's not just about the baby: new parents, particularly if they're first-timers, are exhausted, overwhelmed, and super appreciative of any extra thought you put into the visit.) Here's how to ace your quality time with a new family. Offer to make a supply run Diapers, wipes, gauze for that belly button—supplies fly off the shelf when you've got a newborn, and running errands with...

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  • How to Handle Your Baby's NICU Stay, From Moms Who Have Been There

    How to Handle Your Baby's NICU Stay, From Moms Who Have Been There
    If you're pregnant, you've probably pictured yourself heading home from the hospital, sweet new babe and balloon in tow. So a curveball—like an unexpected (or even expected) stay in the NICU—is enough to shake even the toughest of mamas. Whether it's a preterm birth or health issue that's keeping your little in the hospital longer, know that there's a community of NICU moms who've been in your shoes (and want to give you a hug). We enlisted some of their best advice for new moms going through this tough time....

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  • Yes, You CAN Handle a Newborn When You Live Far From Family!

    Yes, You CAN Handle a Newborn When You Live Far From Family!
    It takes a village to raise a child. We've all heard the old saying, and it exists for a pretty good reason. Parenting is hard, and we all need some help from time to time, especially in those early days. If you're expecting and live far away from all your family members and in-laws, you're probably (and rightfully) nervous about how you'll make it work. But while parenting away from your family is tough, it's not impossible! Here are a few tips to help make the new mom thing feel...

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  • How to Take Your Baby's First Photo

    How to Take Your Baby's First Photo
    Whether you're putting it on social media, sending it to family members, keeping it for yourself, or using it on newborn announcement cards, the first picture you take of your baby is incredibly special. And whatever your skill level is, there's really no way this shot won't be amazing. The sheer sentimental value of baby's first photo is pretty powerful, after all. But shooting immediately after you've delivered can be tricky without a game plan in place. Check out these tips to take that first shot to the next level—no...

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  • How to Wean a Baby from Breastfeeding, by Moms Who've Done It

    How to Wean a Baby from Breastfeeding, by Moms Who've Done It
    Whether you do it after a month or a year of nursing, weaning a baby off breastmilk can be tough. The process of transitioning a baby from your own body's milk can be tricky to navigate — practically, physically, hormonally, emotionally and mentally.Every experience will look a little different, but we understand that moms who are about to wean may be looking for some guidance and advice. We turned to lactation consultant Lauren K. Olofsson for some, and here's what she had to say: 'My most important tip to moms...

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  • New Moms Spill Their Best Money-Saving Secrets

    New Moms Spill Their Best Money-Saving Secrets
    Fact: Babies are expensive...just ask anyone who has ever looked at stroller prices and experienced serious sticker shock. Budgeting before a new baby's arrival — or, at the very least, reevaluating finances and spending habits — is crucial. But how exactly are you supposed to do that? The trickiest part of planning for the financial aspect of having a baby lies in the unknowns. If you're a first-time parent, it can be especially challenging to determine exactly how much you need to set aside for your new addition, and even...

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  • The Best Swaddle Designs for Every Family

    The Best Swaddle Designs for Every Family
    'I'm so excited to swaddle my baby!' - said no expectant ever. We've all heard about how tricky it can be to master the art of the swaddle...and when you're a sleep-deprived new parent, the last thing you want is to be fumbling around with a blanket and a squirmy baby. But here's a pro tip for all the new and expectant parents out there: Swaddling doesn't have to suck. For one thing, it gets much easier over time, so your day one skills aren't indicative of what you can...

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  • Rookie Mistakes Most New Parents Make

    Rookie Mistakes Most New Parents Make
    Want to know the truth about parenthood? We're all just figuring it out as we go...especially in the early days. You can read all the books, do all the prep work and lay all the plans, but when you actually bring that baby home? Well, you just might find you're fumbling with the day-to-day of it all. And that's ok (and totally normal)! Parenthood doesn't have to be perfect. And if you find yourself making rookie mistakes in those early days, just take a second, breathe and remind yourself that...

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  • Swaddling Techniques: What You Need to Know Before Swaddling a Newborn

    Swaddling Techniques: What You Need to Know Before Swaddling a Newborn
    Swaddling: It's one of those life skills that looks easy enough...that is, until you try it. The good news? Like so many things in life (and, let's be honest, parenthood), swaddling a newborn is all about practice— so don't think your baby can't nestle into a good swaddle just because your first few attempts don't go according to plan. The trick to mastering the swaddle is simple: It's all about taking it step-by-step. Because many of us simply see the finished product, it can be tough to grasp the actual...

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